Welcome to our magical garden! This was the playground when you was a kid and now a place for your getaway. Come and join our pixie to unlock your beautiful memories and put behind all the stress and anxiety behind.
Do you remember when you were a little kid, your parents' backyard used to be a adventurous wonderland and your first friends were slugs and caterpillars? You sniffed, you touched, you picked the flowers in gentle spring breezes. You laid on the warm sunshine in the summers. Perhaps, there were secret friends and guardians who had watched you grew up with joy too. Perhaps, you had little pixies in your garden!
Just as much as the garden holds your dear memories, it's the sweet home to the garden pixies. They must also fell in love with drops of morning dew sparkle on the spider web in summer at sunrise. Just like you, they explored the world with an open heart and had fun their friends and families, with the bees and the lady bugs.
Inspired by all the beautiful in a blooming garden, NGAOS created an embroidered round bag to preserve the happy moments of the flowers singing to celebrate their short time yet cheerful on the Earth. That is also the spirit we hold dear and we wish all our muses would be able to live your lives to the full, through the ups and downs, you would still shine with your true colours.
By the love for their homes, the pixies channel their magic to nurture the shrubs and trees in your garden. But that's not their sole purpose. They take care of your garden with a pure wish that it would keep you connected to the nature. To them, it was a celebration when you joined them to water the plants. Still now, your presence sparked happiness in the hearts of the playful pixies.
The pixies always have all the freedom to be who they are. They're not particularly cursed or blessed by God, they do the right things with pure hearts and love, they also could be mischievous and playful. But isn't that a true nature of life? A journey to discover one's self and live by our colours.
For the moon's shinning high,
And the dew is wet;
And on mossy moors
They're dancing yet!